Daisypath Friendship tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mission : FMR ape tu ek?

Ticker kat atas tu tgh berjalan dan menunggu mase jerk....

Thinking of to open my heart and make commitment for future life memandangkan umur pun dah makin lame makin meningkat......tp smpi skang ni assuming and experiencing more of the bad side rather than good side of relationship.

Walaupun xde amik degree or PhD tentang love, psychology, men and anything that related tapi most of the time what I said and predict will be come true.

Then at that time, jadi makin takut dan makin bodoh utk pikir ape yg tak sepatutnye berlaku tetap gak berlaku..however dats the fact in my reality life...

Ape2 pun dlm 3-4 ari akan dtg ni kena jadi selfish dan tak terlalu ikut ati perasaan org lain kottt...tp slalu jerk aku ckp mcm ni kan???End up aku sendiri yg sakit ati...

Can I be a different person?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Still Searching for the Answer.....

Loved??or to be Loved???

Love..consists of : 
happiness and sadness
give and take
hurting and comforting
faith and honesty

for those who are only think
that love should bring happiness all the time
not ready to be hurt
cannot lies on the faith
never dare to face sadness
they are not worth to be loved by others
or else they will hurt people around them

-jane yap cassiopeia-

Menunggu org yang dicintai dtg menunaikan janji, atau menerima janji orang yang mencintai kita?? Why all this thing make my life so miserable???

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Air liur meleleh jerk bile bace berita ni....layankan je laaa, xmampu menaip sbb tangan terketar2 tgk kesedapan gambo yang ade ni hehehe....

Haagen-Dazs cair di mulut

SET 12 Days of Christmas lengkap dengan empat perisa aiskrim.

DALAM kegembiraan bertukar-tukar hadiah yang dilengkapi dekorasi berkilauan, perayaan Krismas tahun ini pasti tambah meriah dengan hidangan lazat yang menjadi pemanis mulut. Haagen-Dazs, satu jenama aiskrim terkenal sejak 1961 sekali lagi bersama-sama mengajak orang ramai berkongsi kegembiraan pada musim perayaan Krismas tahun ini dengan buah tangan terbarunya.

Anda berpeluang untuk memilih setiap set yang disediakan seperti, Classic Tresure Gift Hamper. Set untuk dijadikan hadiah yang berharga RM75 itu dilengkapi dengan baucar bernilai RM25. Set Royal Celebration Gift Hamper pula berharga RM128 termasuk baucar bernilai RM25 dan perhiasan Krismas manakala set All I Want for Christmas bernilai RM128.

SET hadiah menarik untuk Krismas All I Want For Christmas.

Sementara itu, bagi yang ingin menikmatinya sendiri pula terdapat set Silent Night yang berharga RM32, set Winter Wonderland dengan limpahan coklat Belgium atau coklat putih berharga RM34 dan set Joyous Noel yang berharga RM36 sesuai dijadikan kejutan buat tersayang. Bagi set 12 Days of Christmas pula terdapat empat perisa aiskrim yang boleh dipilih mengikut kegemaran masing-masing pada harga RM78.

source : kosmo online

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Love tips

Dedicated to all readers and myself some tips in love :-

1. Tip Hindari Perasaan Kecewa 

2. Tip Menjaga Hati

3. Tanda Lelaki Ingin Putus Hubungan

Thanks hujan sbb turun tiap2 mlm, menggantikan hujan airmata dan hujan dihati......

source : koleksicinta

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Relief but Still Worried

Setelah seharian menunggu keputusan lutut, akhirnya alhamdulillah berita yang agak melegakan. So far no tissue or ligament lutut aku koyak but juat tulang lutut yg berlaga akibat kecedaraan terdahulu. Doktor just bg ubat tahan sakit dan plaster berubat. If 2-3 days still sakit jugak, kena buat fisio about 6 times. Another GL needed huh!!

Walaupun lega sebab tak perlu berenti drp bersukan tp perlu amik masa utk pulihkan bengkak dalaman yang ada skang ni. Maybe thn dpn baru start tu be as active as before.

However, rasenye rasa lega tu tak berpanjangan. Kononnye ari ni lepas gi anta membe kat putrajaya sentral, aku nak pi laaa ke Jusco SK, tp on the way nak ke sana lutut aku dah stat terasa sakit gile mase tekan pedal minyak, OH NO!, mcm2 pk dlm otal, mampu ke nak pegi dan balik ke umah dgn selamat kalu aku pegi jusco ni???

When thinking that no body was at MMU, ramai yg balik kg dan ade hal masing2 then aku rase better not to go anywhere, then just heading trus ke umah je laaaa....prevention better rite??

And now, thinking of my life would be miserable....how nak balik kampung sorang2 (3 jam driving)??? Nak pegi beli brg2 dapur??? Please bring me out of this problem....I cant rely on others to do at least buy my tooth brush.....

Rase nak nangis tp x kuar plak airmata....trying to perah2 biji mata kot la lehhh kuar....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

First Visit to Columbia Asia Hospital Puchong

This Friday, had an appointment with Orthopedic Surgoen (Dr. Kamal) at Columbia Asia Hospital. Why? Kecederaan lutu lebih sebulan lepas had been referred by Dr Marisa to see the specialist. Maybe my ligament tear sbb xleh nak bersila dgn sempurna, duduk lame2 dan ape saje aktiviti yg melibatkan kebengkokkan lutut.

Perasaan skang ni rase risau lerr jugak, harap2nye xde la serius smpi xleh dah nak bersukan, maklum laaaa selera mkn kan mmg xleh nak control, pastu kalu xleh nak bersukan lg alamatnyeeee....... Isshhhh mintak juahkan lerrr, x mampu dah nak jad gemuk lg....

Semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya. Aminnnn...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sejarah 13.12.10

Tak pernah bermimpi kejadian hari semalam...dan x pernah menyangka.....

Ape yang org ckp slame ni mmg btul, walaupun buah hatiku tak dengar yang aku nak bg die kat org lain, tp sbb niat aku dah ke situ die dah merajuk dan buat hal. Dan btul2 wat aku mcm trauma nak drive jauh2 sorang diri pasni. 

Sib baik ada sang hero yan sanggup tolong dgn muke dan perasaan yang tenang jerk. Thanks a lot!!!

And now penyakit gastrik bermusim mcm nak dtg jerk, bile pas mkn jerk sakit perut smpikan nak tdo pun susah. Ape lerrr ubat nak bagi ilang trus gastrik ni ek, nak minum susu punye laaa liat, so any alternative???

Sudah jatuh bertimpa2 plak, dgn financial crisis, hope dpt setel early 2011.

I'm so blessed living around many people that really love and care for me....am I worth it?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mimpi oh mimpi

Mimpi mlm tadi mcm real jerk, buah hatiku diambil org..ntah sape la yg curik pastu leh plak letak kete buruk konon nak ganti dgn buah ati aku tu.....kalu elok xpe gak lerr, tayar pun ntah ke mana, menggagau cari merata tempat. Siap leh nangis lagi, aduhaiii lawaknye.....xtau laaa camne idup aku kalu buah ati aku tu ilang or kena curik.

Dan bile sedar jerk, terpikir bila org yang kita sayang last2 nnt akan ilang gak. Tak selamanya akan ade dgn kite, walau camne pun kite sayang, dah mmg semua makhluk kat dunia ni Allah punye. So die leh amik bile2 mase je kan.....

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Just about You!

Thanks a lot for being so nice and helpful. Even though we knew each other just for a few months, but the appreciation and trustworthy that you had given to me was such a beautiful feeling. 

I realized what ever you done to me all this while, cannot be compare as what I'd treated you as you should get.

But I hope that you can understand my limitations. Your friendship was unconditional, no offense and hoping it have sincerity too. I cant pay back what ever you have done to me since we get close. Your always done the best for me, no body will act like what u had.

Hoping that you life will full by the happiness. Thanks for the care and attention. thanks for everything. Forgive me for anything that I done that might heart you.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thank you dear...

To whom it may be concern,

Thanks for being here for me....menahan kerenah yg kdg2 diri sendiri pun xleh tahan. Always trying to make me to be neutral as fast as I can.

Menjadi tempat lepas geram, dan mcm2 tekanan yang kadang2 dah lame ditahan, dan smpi masa you will be the victim.

And I dont know how it can be long, pasni xtau nak ngadu kat sape dah, nobody will listen and understand what I'm facing now. Even I;m not sharing all my thoughts and feeling to you. 

I need reservation for me so dat, if nobody like you being here, I still can stand and get enuf strength to handle my stress.

There's so many thing spinning around my head. My short term memory loss also had effect me. Maybe I need new lifestyle??New job???To CEO's please hire this suck and lazy worker.

At this moment, I am really stressful and want to be alone and thinking of nothing. Sampai bile diri sendiri dpt bertahan? Hoping that I have enuf strength or????

Monday, November 29, 2010

Menjadi tunang org tanpa kita sedar???

Jika seorang lelaki menyatakan hasrat kepada seorang perempuan untuk dijadikan isteri dan wanita itu bersetuju, adakah ia dikira bertunang walaupun ibu bapa perempuan itu belum tahu atau tidak kenal pihak lelaki?
Makna pinang dari segi syarak adalah pihak lelaki menyatakan hasrat berkahwin kepada pihak perempuan. Apabila pihak perempuan berkata setuju, maka perempuan itu sudah dikira menjadi tunang kepada lelaki tersebut.
Contohnya apabila seorang lelaki berkata kepada seorang perempuan, "Aku ingin jadikan kamu sebagai isteriku."
"Kahwin la dengan kita bila-bila," jawab perempuan tersebut.
Maka dari segi hukum syarak, tatkala pihak perempuan itu bersetuju, dia telah menjadi tunang kepada lelaki tersebut; walaupun ia disebut dalam telefon.
Jadi, haram bagi lelaki lain untuk masuk meminang jika hal itu diketahui. Namun jika pihak lelaki lain yang ingin masuk meminang itu tidak tahu, maka ia tidak haram.
Bagaimana dengan kebiasaan orang Melayu yang menghantar rombongan meminang untuk lelaki meminang perempuan?
Ia hanyalah adat Melayu, dan tiada kena mengena dengan hukum Islam. Antara hukum Islam dan hukum adat, mana satu lebih penting?
Namun tiada masalah dengan adat Melayu itu, cuma dari segi hukum Islam, bertunang itu adalah apabila seorang perempuan itu bersetuju dengan hasrat pihak lelaki untuk menjadikannya seorang isteri.
Bagaimana Jika Perempuan Itu Ketiadaan Ibu Dan Ayah?
Mengikut hukum syarak, jika perempuan itu persetujuannya sudah diizinkan oleh syarak seperti perempuan yang cerdik, yang sudah baligh dan sebagainya, ia sudah dianggap bertunang jika dia bersetuju dengan pelawaan lelaki yang menyatakan hasrat mengahwininya.
Apabila perempuan itu persetujuannya tidak menepati hukum syarak seperti belum baligh, gila dan lain-lain, maka wali diperlukan untuk menjawab 'pinangan' tersebut.
Kesimpulannya, kita perlu berhati-hati kerana kita boleh menjadi tunang orang tanpa kita sedar. Pastinya ramai yang tidak tahu dan perasan akan hakikat ini.
Sekiranya kita memang betul-betul sudah menjadi tunangan orang, bacalah artikel 'Disiplin Islam Dalam Pertunangan' dan 'Bagaimana Bercouple Cara Islam?'

Bile bace je artikel ni, otak yg mempunyai sindrom STML (short term memory lost) berjalan2 lerrr duk pk mane la tau kan penah jd tunangan org ke sebelum2 ni???wakakaka.....

Hiissshhh x sanggup laaaa nak igt balik, lebih 2x gak lerrrr kan.....dasat btul laaaaa, pasni xleh nak main2 dah...ckp tanpa ilmu mcm tu la kan..belasah jerk ape org ckp, kdg tu ckp bese2 jerk

So Moral of the story :-

Wanita :-
1. Jgn pndi2 ckp "YA" kalu masih nak cari calon suami yg lain.
2. Kalau org x kenal gurau2 mcm tu pun jgn ckp "YA" kalu x de perasaan pun kat die.
3. Kalau laki ckp macam tu jgn berharap tinggi sgt belum tentu die btul2 ikhlas ape yg die tny tu.

Lelaki :-
1. Jgn pndi2 tny pompuan soalan mcm tu kalau hanya nak main2 @ senangkan ati buah ati korang.
2. Jgn tny soalan tu kalau dlm hati masih nak flirting dgn org lain.
3.Jgn tny soalan tu tanpa niat yg ikhlas sbb boleh buat perempuan mengharapkan yg lelaki tu akan kawin dgn uols.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Everything I Do, I Do It for You

Look into my eyes - you will see 
What you mean to me 
Search your heart - search your soul 
And when you find me there you'll search no more 

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for 
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for 
You know it's true 
Everything I do - I do it for you 

Look into your heart - you will find 
There's nothin' there to hide 
Take me as I am - take my life 
I would give it all - I would sacrifice 

Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for 
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more 
Ya know it's true 
Everything I do - I do it for you 

There's no love - like your love 
And no other - could give more love 
There's nowhere - unless you're there 
All the time - all the way 

You can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for 
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more 
I would fight for you - I'd lie for you 
Walk the wire for you - ya I'd die for you 

You know it's true 
Everything I do - I do it for you 

"Ketahuilah..Tiap harinya, tiap jam, minit dan detiknya, telah aku lewati dengan selalu jatuh cinta padamu..
Maka, cintailah aku, dengan apa adanya aku..Jangan berharap aku menjadi wanita sempurna.. 
Maafkan aku kerana aku bukan puteri.. Aku hanya wanita biasa.."

Monday, November 22, 2010

Oh no!

Kalau tgk kat ticker berat badan tu, tibe2 jerk aku kena letak smule penanda kat 60 kg, sbbnyeeeee....ape lg dah gemuk laaaaa.

Adakah sbb terlalu gembira ataupun terlalu tertekan...muehehehe.....aduiiii mcm yoyo laaa badan ni susah nak turun gile2, senang nak naik mendadak....

Ini juga disebabkan oleh teman setia aku skang ni nasi, almost 2x seari akan mkn nasi, tak mcm sebelum2 ni, just mkn nasik satu senduk jerk, yg lain2 tu sumenye berasaskan mee or dlm kata lain NO nasi.....

So skang ni trying to fix it back sbbnye xnak jd gemuk mcm dulu...tolongggggg.....

And to my beloved frensssss.....kalu nmpk i asik mkn nasik jerk or nasik i amik byk sgt uols tolong laaa rebut drp i ek....wakakaka....

I have to.....please help to down size myself.

Nasi musuh utama.....


If you were mine....

Counting days to start new life in 40 days ahead.

How it can will be?

Can I handle it?

Hoping that I can face all the coming challenges and tests from Him.


If you were mine 
I'd be your everything  
you'd be the only thing that I would ever need

If you were mine
I would tell everyone 
that you are the only one that I could ever want

Everything I dreamed about 

Everything that I talked about
One thing I can't live without
I wanna get closer to you
Can't stand being far away
Knowing that you don't feel the same way
Questioning bring tears to your eyes

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tak sedap ati

Nape tibe2 rase x sedap ati ni ek???

Takut, sedih, berdebar....aduiiiii please go away, i hate this feeling ,and not at this time

Isshhhh makin xsedap ati ni, kaki lum baik lg...gerak ke tak kete aku smpi ke umah cyber ni huhuhu....hrpnye x ujan la ptg esok ye......

Wednesday, November 10, 2010



Can everybody keep their own thing for their own?

And why, I have to be the blacksheep?

That's the price that I have to pay for being thinking about others feeling rather than mine.

Hoping that it will end soon. Its hard enough to face it without no one that really appreciate what u have done.

I'm a strong girl who keeps for stuff in line, even when I have tears going down on my face, I always manage to say those two words I'm FINE !......

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Soalan :-
1. Kenapa nak bercinta, walaupun dah biasa dikecewakan?

2. Kenapa xboleh perasan kena tipu, sedangkan dah biasa ditipu?

3. Kenapa kena berpura2 bahagia walaupun dalam hati hanya Allah je yang tahu?

4. Kenapa perlu jaga perasaan org, sedangkan takde siapa yang nak jaga perasaan kite?

Jawapan :-
1. Alang2 dah selalu kecewa, bercinta mcm mane pun dah x rase ape kot...so bercinta je laaa selagi Allah kurniakan perasaan ni, sekurang2nya dah rase mcm mane dicintai dan dikecewakan.

2. Diri sendiri yang percaya sgt kat org, leh ckp bodo ke or sentiasa pk positif kat org, or sendiri slalu tipu org lain kot.

3. Sekurang2nye bahagia la jugak walaupun tumpang kat org lain.

4. Ntah, this is me.....

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hujan di Hati

Cinta datang kepada orang yang masih mempunyai harapan, walaupun mereka telah dikecewakan. Kepada mereka yang masih percaya, walaupun mereka telah dikhianati. Kepada mereka yang masih ingin mencintai, walaupun mereka telah disakiti sebelumnya. Kepada mereka yang mempunyai keberanian dan keyakinan untuk membangunkan kembali kepercayaan.

Hal yang menyedihkan dalam hidup adalah ketika kamu bertemu seseorang yang sangat bererti bagimu, hanya untuk menemukan bahawa pada akhirnya menjadi tidak bererti dan kamu harus membiarkannya pergi. 

Perasaan cinta dimulai dari mata, sedangkan rasa suka dimulai dari telinga. Jadi jika kamu mahu berhenti menyukai seseorang, cukup dgn menutup telinga. Tetapi apabila kamu cuba menutup matamu dari org yang kamu cintai, cinta itu berubah menjadi titisan airmata dan terus tinggal dihatimu dalam jarak waktu yang terlalu lama.

sumber : cinta

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

20.10.2010 updated


Thanks to the gurls (K Ayu, K Ct & K Liza) sbb same2 mencipta sejarah pada tarikh keramat ni, kejadian berlaku sekitar jam 11mlm di kawasan parking NEA, it shows that we no need man to help us while in trouble???? Acah mak Enon jerk, terpulang kat diri sendiri, dah tentu Allah jadikan lelaki dan perempuan tu ade faedahnya. Cume masa je yang masih belum berpihak pd kami. We shared the same story that make us strong, and maybe org nmpk kitorng hepi dan enjoy with our moment together however, no one knows deep inside our small and fragile heart.

At least we feel hepi and be hepi to make others hepi. Thats why at this moment we enjoyed wat we had done and will plan to be done.


Attention to Tuan Tanah a.k.a Diri sendiri,

Janganlah kamu berangan2 tarikh yang cantik ini, seorang putera kayangan akan turun dari langit untuk memperisterikanmu.

Janganlah kamu bercita2 tarikh yang comel ini, kamu akan mendapat sebentuk cincin dr sang pujangga yang ingin meminangmu.

Janganlah kamu berharap tarikh yg konon cun ini, kamu akan ditatang dan dilayan bagai puteri raja yg sun melecun.

Janganlah kamu berperasaan perasan tarikh ini, kamu akan mendapat durian runtuh walaupun engkau tahu yang kat umah ko xde pun pokok durian.

Wahai tuan tanah,

Berenti laaaa berangan, bercita2, berharao dan berperasaan perasan......

PEGI WAT KEJE TU!!!!!!......

p/s : stop dreaming my little princess, u just princess for urself and ur parent only....

Friday, October 15, 2010

Finally, I can see you..

Maher Zain Save the Soul Showcase
14th Oct 2010
MBSA Auditorium, Shah Alam

I'm so happy and glad to be at my 1st ever concert in my life....

A lot of thanks for all that make it history in my life...

Thanks to the pembeli tiket, tukang paksa aku dtg ke sane, tukang driver, tukang kamera aku pinjam segala2nye tukang laaaa, u all mean everything.....kalu ikutkan hati mmg nak pegi tp bile pk tiketnye yg agak mahal so wat ke'eksited'kan aku nak pegi jumpe MZ jd luntur la skit. 

However, ade insan sudi sponsor di samping die nak beramal gak utk Raudhatus Sakinah gak kot.....then ke'eksited'kan kembali memuncak smpi laaa hari yg dinantikan....siap duk seat blakang media jerk...nmpk la Linda Onn, wartawan melodi (melodi raye die cite psl arwah ayah die tu), pastu wartawan hiburan yg bese kuar kat tv tu....Saiful Islam pun ade, pembace berita Awani, dan ramai lg yg aku x kenal....

Hosted by Fedtri Yahya & Wardina (boleh die ckp muke Wardina versi MZ pakai tudung), diorng dah warning jgn snap pki flash tp ade gak yg degil....

Opening by Inteam & Aisyah...smpi ade org menangis dgr lagunyeee...

MZ nyanyi 10 buah lagu, tp aku kire mcm 8 jerk...huhuhu

Layan je laaaa gambar2 ni ek....

Alhamdulillah I'm the chosen one to be at his showcase, rather than Adam Lambert...Really enjoy each of the single moment there....THANKSSSS...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tak sabar....

..................................cerita bakal menyusul...semoga segalanya berjalan dgn lancar......................................

Monday, October 11, 2010


I'm not the type to get my heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
'cause I never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye
Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole in love thing
And someone can say they love me truly
But at the time it didn't mean a thing

My mind is gone, I'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears I'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm, in this condition
And I've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

Did it happen when we first kissed?
'cause it's hurting me to let it go
Maybe 'cause we spent so much time
And I know that it's no more
I should've never let you hold me baby
Maybe why I'm sad to see us apart
I didn't give to you on purpose
Can't figure out how you stole my heart

How did I get here with you, I'll never know?
I never meant to let it get so, personal
And after all I tried to do, to stay away from loving you
I'm broken heart and I can't let you know
And I won't let it show
You won't see me cry

This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now I'm, in this condition
And I've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

All my life... 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Triple 10

10.10.10, Maybe the special date for most of you yang sambut B day, E day, W day but its just an ordinary number for me....

Nothing special on this date and nothing much hoping for something special happen. But today almost three months I'd knew my buah hati, always accompany wherever I go and at this moment belum meragam walaupun aku jarang pampered him to spa and talking to him...

However, there will be 2 important mission on this October....can wait to get it through and hope it will be run smoothly.

p/s : ade lg satu date best 20.10.2010....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Every girl deserves to feel beautiful just the wat she is

31 Ways to make a Girl Smile

p/s : bz preparing for 80 astronauts ++ 200 VVIP come to MMU tomorrow, do not ever think that i'm gonna married soon ok!!!!proposal already rejected....TQ

Monday, October 4, 2010


Rugi x tgk...best gilerrrr.....

 5 star!!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Got this yesterday morning... 6 roses and 6 ferrero rocher

Sending by the florist owner smpi kat dpn pintu office....who ever the sender, u make my heart mcm nak gugur ok, never happen all this while kena kejutan mcm ni, THANKS....hope no hidden agenda at all. Always imagine dat it would be from my lovely person tp x kisah laaa as long ade gak sejarah kejutan mcm ni dlm idup aku biarpun hanya sekali......

Friday, October 1, 2010


Bile ade org nak masuk meminang bukan ke kite patut happy???? Tapi nape aku x rase hepi pun????

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I need camera!

Soooo hoottttt my hati sbb dlm mase sebulan going to fly, tibe2 camera cabuk ni wat hal lerrr plak. Langsung x leh nak on off, dah lerrr lense nye terkeluar tu nak simpan dlm beg die pun xmuat....wwuaaaaaaaaa nape lerrr nak wat hal time gundah gulana ni????

Aduiiii camne nak snap2 gambo dgn mas joko ni lg sebulan nak jumpe die ni??Sempat ke dibaiki kalu anta kat kedai???Agaknye rege repair tu same dgn beli camera baru jerk??Ish....tensen tul laaaa benci2, nape laaa wat hal time2 gini ek. GGggrrrrrrrr......geram2 rase nak campak jerk camera tu....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pleased Me.....

You may not be her first, her last or her only. 
She loved before she may love again. 
But if she loves you now, what else matter? 

She's not perfect - you aren't either 
and the two of you may never be perfect together 
but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, 
and admit to being human and making mistakes, 
hold on to her and give her the most you can. 

She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, 
but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. 

So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. 
Smile when she makes you happy let her know when she make you mad, and miss her when she's not there.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Pertama :-
Smlm patutnye mlm paling lena tdo sbbnye ujan lebat gilerrr dan kilat sabung menyabung, ribut, petir sume ade laaaa...tp aku xleh tdo gak, stat kul 10.00pm dah golek2 tp smpi kul 4.00am kot aku still x lelap. 

Kedua :- 
Tekanan darah masih rendah, akan amik bacaan dlm seminggu mase raya ni then pi consult doctor.

Ketiga :- 
Dah gatai mate, tangan, kaki dan mulut nak wat movie marathon tp tgh cari kawan 'seperjuangan'.

Keempat :- 
Mimpi yg ntah ape2, byk sgt pk di siang hari kot.

Kelima :-
Buah ati di Celcom asik anto sms total bil dah menghampiri kredit limit, aduiiii dah 2 bulan mcm ni...ape kes?????

Friday, September 17, 2010



Tak sabarnyeeee nak trime adiah raya untuk diri sendiri.....en posmen, tolong hantarkan adiah tu cepat ye, saya x sabar2 nak tgk dan pakai, harap2 sesuai lerrrr dgn tuan punye tangan.....hehehe


Yeaaaaaaa...dah smpi barangnye, jauh die terbang drp UK.....hehehe

Thanks Kak Feela...suke sgt very the ringan tp need to buang 2 keping sbb beso lerr sesgt....

Harapnye buah hati Silver xmeragam bile aku dah menduakan die, dua2 aku sayang sbb beli dgn duit hasil titik peluh sendiri..... lgpun Silver lg mahal drp Brown dan Silver bg pengalaman paling indah kat aku.....
Cumenye, takut sejarah mungkin berulang. Sepanjang hidup, kalau beli jam lebih dr satu, jam lame tu akan meragam dan terus jerk mati, xleh nak btulkan dah....tp dulu2 jam RM10 je, so pakai buang jerk aku rase....skang ni walaupun below RM300 tp each of them have the sentimental value....

Please baby Silver & Brown, jgn gaduh2 jgn jeles2 ye....I'll try my best to serve u both better hehehe

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


"Don’t hang on to a relationship when you know it’s not going anywhere. Learn to let go and accept the reality. Life is too short to be wasted trying to save a relationship that you know it’s never gonna work. "

"He has my heart; he just doesn't know it yet."

"if its true love it all never leave you and if it does then it wasnt true love."

"I give you all my love because I truly love you, but I can't give you my soul and my heart because you'll just break it apart."  

"I chose to love you in silence, for in silence I find no rejection. I chose to love you in your loneliness, for in your loneliness no one owns you, but me."

"The words I love you are not for anyone to say from their mouth to their beloved one. It's a feeling that you can whisper to each other from heart-to-heart without saying it aloud."

"Letting go has never been easy, but holding on can be as difficult, for strength is measured not by holding on, but by letting go."

"You know you're really in love, when you have love for that person and only that person. You want to be with them in every waking moment, and you'll stay with them through thick and thin."

"In order to really love someone, you must love him as though he was going to die tomorrow."  

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Friend Forever

Just for You,

Thanks for being my friend even though we been so closed about a month ago.

We had share a lot things and you give me support and words that make my heart and mind so calm.

You really know what inside me even though I'm not telling you nothing.

We had raya shopping together and a few times break fasting.

Such a wonderful day when hanging out with you.

Even though your not my other half, family or relatives but no such a great person that I ever closed.

Thanks for wasting your time and money just for me.

You are the 1st person that I heard when I woke up and last person that talk to me before I go to bed.

I know you want to hear me happy always and you can recognize it when I'm sad.

Hoping that you keep continuing giving me strength to make my life cheerful everyday.

May our friendship will be everlasting. May Allah bless your life too.....


p/s : thanks to others yang hantar sms ucapan hari, bagi duit raye dan hadiah raye, thanks!!!This year was a wonderful raya for me....

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hari Raya

Beli Baju Raya - DONE!
Beli Kuih Raya klik2 - DONE!
Pergi Servis Kereta - lum smpi mase lg
Ready Angpau Raya - DONE!

Alaaaaa, wat pe sibuk2 nak raye ek??aku cume cuti raye 5 ari jerk pastu kena keje laaaa smule....

Di kesempatan ini nak mengucapkan


Andai ade salah silap, tutur kata dan perbuatan yang sengaja atau tak sengaja, secara sedar atau tidak sedar....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

tearin' up my heart

..........it's tearin' up my heart when i'm with you  but when we are apart i feel it too and no matter what i do i feel the pain with or without you......i am down on my knees i can't take it anymore.....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


"They say that if you love someone you should let them go, but they never say what to do when they don’t come back."

The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.

"I wish you could look at me and see the person you once loved instead of the person you have grown to hate."

"Love is the hardest drug to quit, but it is even harder when it is taken away."

"If I could control my heart, I would stop it from falling in love with you."

"If a tear fell from my eyes each time I thought of you, I would have a puddle of fallen wishes."

"Real loss only occurs when you lose something that you love more than yourself."

"True love never dies as we see in our eyes, only when we let go that we can truly say goodbye."

"Aku mentari tapi tak menghangatkanmu, aku pelangi tak memberi warna di hidupmu
aku sang bulan tak menerangi malammu, aku lah bintang yg hilang ditelan kegelapan"

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Need fresh air

Lame dah rasenye x pergi bercuti...bile tgk flight tiket x penahnyeee nak murah....xkan nak duduk mengadap sokmo kadang tu date plak xsesuai. Kalau pegi sorang lame dah aku on tarikh bile2 pun, tp nak kumpul tarikh availability org2 lain ni susah lerr skit kan.

Lagipun jauh mane sangat lerr aku leh pegi sorang2 ni. Balik muadzam pun kalu sorang2 tu Allah je tau ape aku rase...mcm2 huhuhu. Walaupun 30hb Ogos telah diisytiharkan cuti paksa oleh MMU, xtau nak ckp hepi ke tak, sbbnye maybe balik sorang kot. Aduiii nape lerrr lemah beno jantung ni, nak ke mane2 kena ade teman ker?? Ade mase need to be alone, ade mase rase nak angkut 1 opis bersama2 hahaha.

Feeling that chasing my own shadow, thinking a lot things when got very scary day-mare, around 7.00am mcm tu huhuhu, what exactly the sign that want me to think about?

Jiwe sungguh la kacau, walaupun tahun ni dpt membanyakkan amalan terawih more than tahun2 lepas. Harapnye aku leh sustain smpi la ke hujung Ramadhan.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pengalaman Puasa selepas 26thn

Bertolak daripada Cyberjaya pukul 5.30ptg, boleh plak x teringat yang jln from UPM ke Kajang tu jammed time gini. Tapi dah sbb lupe tu redah je laaaaa......sampai area PLUS highway pun mcm tu gak dgn hujan lebat lg, dgn eksiden b2b dlm 7-8 buah kete lori, dgn cermin pecah tgh2 jln...huhuhu sangat menduga keimanan.

Pukul 7.30 still on the highway, so buke laaa dgn kurma n seteguk air....adik2 plak dah disuruh mkn dulu.....then after masuk tol Senawang cari stesen minyak yang nmpk di mata utk brenti solat dan time aku lak mkn....mase mkn tu mcm nak nangis pun ade, sbb 1st time buke puasa secara ala kadar mcm tu. Makan dlm kete dgn adik2ku huhuhu....

Pastu teruskan perjalanan dgn dlm 2 jam lg nak smpi umah. Dengan mata yang agak2 kuyu tu, terpakse gak lerr teruskan perjalanan sambil karok dlm kete, kalu tidak harus aku terlelap mase driving kot. Ade gak 2-3  kali terkatup mateku sib baik still leh control kalu tak rasenye x berjaya sampai ke rumah dgn selamat.....
Smpikan aku baru perasan nape org angkat lampu, sedar2 aku x off lampu tinggi tu, hahaha.....kire skali aku khayal lupe nak tutup, ade tu lupe nak bukak walaupun jalan tu gelap huhuhu.....sib baik laaaa kete tak berapa byk sgt so leh laaaa bawa around 80-90 jerk.....

Syukur laaaa aku masih bernafas sehingga hari ini.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

...... Part 2

If you have it [love],
you don't need to have anything else.
If you don't have it,
it doesn't matter much what else you do have.
- Sir James M. Barrie -

We all want to fall in love. Why?
Because that experience makes us feel completely alive,
where every sense is heightened,
and every emotion is magnified.
Our everyday reality is shattered
and we are flung into the heavens.
It may only last a moment, an hour, or an afternoon,
but that doesn't diminish its value,
because we are left with memories
that we treasure for the rest of our lives.
- From the movie "The Mirror Has Two Faces" -
(starring Barbara Streisand)

You know you are in love
when you see the world in her eyes,
and her eyes everywhere in the world.
- David Levesque -

A Friend's Love says:
" If you ever need anything,
I'll be there."
True Love says:
" You'll never need anything;
I'll be there."
- Jimi Hollemans -

Sunday, August 8, 2010

If I Could Turn Back Time

If I could turn back time 

If I could find a way 
I'd take back those words that hurt you and you'd stay

I don't know why I did the things 
I did I don't know why I said the things I said 
Pride's like a knife it can cut deep inside 
Words are like weapons they wound sometimes.

I didn't really mean to hurt you 

I didn't wanna see you go
I know I made you cry, but baby

If I could turn back time

If I could find a way 
I'd take back those words that hurt you 
And you'd stay 
If I could reach the stars 
I'd give them all to you 
Then you'd love me, love me 
Like you used to do

My world was shattered I was torn apart 
Like someone took a knife and drove it deep in my heart 
You walked out that door I swore that I didn't care 
But I lost everything darling then and there

Too strong to tell you I was sorry 
Too proud to tell you I was wrong 
I know that I was blind

If I could find a way
I'd take back those words that hurt you
If I could reach the stars
I'd give them all to you
Then you'd love me 
Like you used to do

p/s : 
Being bless to life with people thats love and care about me everyday, and it is doesn't matter if I didn't get someone that I love and care so much coz I have to believe that him is not meant to me. However, just follow where the wind will take me to.....