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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mane aku pegi???

Alaaaaaa xde sape pun rindu kat aku kan???So xkisah la bape lame aku ilang pun kan???Cite aku pun cam bosan jerk kan???Hahaha sorry all my negative thinking, however I know there are a lot more yg miss me rite??thank you very2 much....

Tak pegi mane2 pun, still ade kat bumi Malaysia lagi....attend training about 3 days kat Grand Season another 1 more course to complete but I hope my name not appear anymore....suke btul nak pick up name aku...tau arrr name best hahaha

Wiken lepas attend PTD exam, mcm biasa laaa ntah bape kali exam tu aku amik, and maybe mmg x lepas kot sbb esei aku buat ntah ape2..mmg xde idea langsung..blur sgt2 padahal tajuknye senang yang amat pasal pengaruh TV, 1Malaysia and teknologi....ntah lerrr maybe lame dah x menulis kan...ape pun harap2 die panggil exam lagi..sbb aku sukkeeeee sgt exam SPA ni :p~

N aku nak mintak maaf byk2 pada membe aku, Mr Redz....xtau mcm mane aku l eh lupe gilerrrrr kenduri kawin die huhuh...sory la byk2, aku pun xtau apsal memori aku ni makin low...padahal aku de je tulis kat blog ni tarikh kawin die tp bile smpi mase aku x igt langsung...byk sgt pk mende yg tak sepatutnye kot...I'd should empty my mind and stop thinking any negative thoughts, it will cause or unconscious mind will always note it and affect on what you do...ooppssss sory lerrr terbawa2 drp training aku baru pegi ni still fresh lagi tp xtau laaa smpi bile leh igt hehehe....

From now on I have to be POSITIVE so that sentiasa awet muda hahaha.....just to tell you the fact if you all tak tau lagi...our brain cannot understand the word DONT, NO, or any negative words eg; I am not sad but ur brain catch it as I am sad..... see you will be sad all the time, so just enjoy your life and make it meaningful, whatever your dreams and goals it will be more effective when it can benefits others people...

p/s: reminder to the parents please dont said anything negative words to your kids cause it will stick in their mind forever...

"Kesabaran sebenar adalah dalam perkahwinan dan
tanggungjawab sebenar adalah ketika membesarkan anak2"


  1. yes u r rite..any -ve words from my childhood until now, i'm still remember.

  2. Hantu Ulam : itu laaaa harap2 tips ni berkesan untuk melekat dlm pikiran saya...of coz every parents want their kids to be the best but they dont realise avery single things that they said and act.
