Hallluuuuu...miss me tak??Surely tak kan....Anyway, a bit busy skit and lagipun wiken kan time utk tenangkan diri sendiri...
Best tak tarikh tu??? 11/10/09....tarikh keramat untuk hari bersejarah, aku telah bertunang!!!!
Hahaha, rileks2 aku acah jerk, sib baik xde org nak lempar piza basi ke muka.... kalu aku maybe pilih 02/05/10 ke 08/09/10 ke (lame lg) utk hari2 bersejarah :p~
Actually hari bersejarah tu adalah milik one of my twin brothers....at last selama 6 thn blaja kat UIAM berjaya gak die dpt degree dlm urban planning , pasni leh la create urban sendiri ek.....hehehe. Lets the pictures tell the story laaaaa...
Hero of the day....oopppsss not him the other half
Igt lg tak entry aku pasal ngidam2 ni??Now i realise that aku nak mkn ikan bakar...huhuhuh
Kebetulan plak ade 2 hari lg baki puasa Syawal tu pun hampir2 terlupa sbb dah lame 'holiday'...so hari ni and Rabu kite sambung la pose, esok xleh sbb ade MMU open house....dan harap2 impian nak abiskan puasa Qada' in this Syawal can become true... AMIN..jom kawan2 abiskan puasa Qada' jgn seminggu nak pose thn dpn baru nak ganti :P~
p/s; Missing someone so much....although can see his face everyday but still feel like so far away, why eh?
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