Still remember this post ...Alhamdulillah ??? Now already get the black & white, again Alhamdulillah but I'm not sure if I feel happy or not. So far, level position still the same but I'm not sure whether level salary will be increase or not. Rasenye xnaik gak kot, ok la tu kan, baru 2 thn keje kat MMU but already given the permanent title. Dah cukup bersyukur dah tu...huhuhu
Well, rasenye nak celebrate kat mane???Opppsss sory laaaa my bonus pun going to have deficit sbb dah ade barang yang kena beli, xleh tangguh2 dah...maybe tunggu bonus prestasi yang akan dtg la ye hehehe.... je nk suh banjer td..:P
ReplyDeleteHantu Ulam - hahaha dah tau dah ape dlm kepala otak mu, alaaa bukan naik gaji pun, insya Allah kalu de duit lebih ambo open la McD ke KFC ke hehehhe