Ticker kat atas tu tgh berjalan dan menunggu mase jerk....
Thinking of to open my heart and make commitment for future life memandangkan umur pun dah makin lame makin meningkat......tp smpi skang ni assuming and experiencing more of the bad side rather than good side of relationship.
Walaupun xde amik degree or PhD tentang love, psychology, men and anything that related tapi most of the time what I said and predict will be come true.
Then at that time, jadi makin takut dan makin bodoh utk pikir ape yg tak sepatutnye berlaku tetap gak berlaku..however dats the fact in my reality life...
Ape2 pun dlm 3-4 ari akan dtg ni kena jadi selfish dan tak terlalu ikut ati perasaan org lain kottt...tp slalu jerk aku ckp mcm ni kan???End up aku sendiri yg sakit ati...
Can I be a different person?