Daisypath Friendship tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mission : FMR ape tu ek?

Ticker kat atas tu tgh berjalan dan menunggu mase jerk....

Thinking of to open my heart and make commitment for future life memandangkan umur pun dah makin lame makin meningkat......tp smpi skang ni assuming and experiencing more of the bad side rather than good side of relationship.

Walaupun xde amik degree or PhD tentang love, psychology, men and anything that related tapi most of the time what I said and predict will be come true.

Then at that time, jadi makin takut dan makin bodoh utk pikir ape yg tak sepatutnye berlaku tetap gak berlaku..however dats the fact in my reality life...

Ape2 pun dlm 3-4 ari akan dtg ni kena jadi selfish dan tak terlalu ikut ati perasaan org lain kottt...tp slalu jerk aku ckp mcm ni kan???End up aku sendiri yg sakit ati...

Can I be a different person?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Still Searching for the Answer.....

Loved??or to be Loved???

Love..consists of : 
happiness and sadness
give and take
hurting and comforting
faith and honesty

for those who are only think
that love should bring happiness all the time
not ready to be hurt
cannot lies on the faith
never dare to face sadness
they are not worth to be loved by others
or else they will hurt people around them

-jane yap cassiopeia-

Menunggu org yang dicintai dtg menunaikan janji, atau menerima janji orang yang mencintai kita?? Why all this thing make my life so miserable???

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Air liur meleleh jerk bile bace berita ni....layankan je laaa, xmampu menaip sbb tangan terketar2 tgk kesedapan gambo yang ade ni hehehe....

Haagen-Dazs cair di mulut

SET 12 Days of Christmas lengkap dengan empat perisa aiskrim.

DALAM kegembiraan bertukar-tukar hadiah yang dilengkapi dekorasi berkilauan, perayaan Krismas tahun ini pasti tambah meriah dengan hidangan lazat yang menjadi pemanis mulut. Haagen-Dazs, satu jenama aiskrim terkenal sejak 1961 sekali lagi bersama-sama mengajak orang ramai berkongsi kegembiraan pada musim perayaan Krismas tahun ini dengan buah tangan terbarunya.

Anda berpeluang untuk memilih setiap set yang disediakan seperti, Classic Tresure Gift Hamper. Set untuk dijadikan hadiah yang berharga RM75 itu dilengkapi dengan baucar bernilai RM25. Set Royal Celebration Gift Hamper pula berharga RM128 termasuk baucar bernilai RM25 dan perhiasan Krismas manakala set All I Want for Christmas bernilai RM128.

SET hadiah menarik untuk Krismas All I Want For Christmas.

Sementara itu, bagi yang ingin menikmatinya sendiri pula terdapat set Silent Night yang berharga RM32, set Winter Wonderland dengan limpahan coklat Belgium atau coklat putih berharga RM34 dan set Joyous Noel yang berharga RM36 sesuai dijadikan kejutan buat tersayang. Bagi set 12 Days of Christmas pula terdapat empat perisa aiskrim yang boleh dipilih mengikut kegemaran masing-masing pada harga RM78.

source : kosmo online

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Love tips

Dedicated to all readers and myself some tips in love :-

1. Tip Hindari Perasaan Kecewa 

2. Tip Menjaga Hati

3. Tanda Lelaki Ingin Putus Hubungan

Thanks hujan sbb turun tiap2 mlm, menggantikan hujan airmata dan hujan dihati......

source : koleksicinta

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Relief but Still Worried

Setelah seharian menunggu keputusan lutut, akhirnya alhamdulillah berita yang agak melegakan. So far no tissue or ligament lutut aku koyak but juat tulang lutut yg berlaga akibat kecedaraan terdahulu. Doktor just bg ubat tahan sakit dan plaster berubat. If 2-3 days still sakit jugak, kena buat fisio about 6 times. Another GL needed huh!!

Walaupun lega sebab tak perlu berenti drp bersukan tp perlu amik masa utk pulihkan bengkak dalaman yang ada skang ni. Maybe thn dpn baru start tu be as active as before.

However, rasenye rasa lega tu tak berpanjangan. Kononnye ari ni lepas gi anta membe kat putrajaya sentral, aku nak pi laaa ke Jusco SK, tp on the way nak ke sana lutut aku dah stat terasa sakit gile mase tekan pedal minyak, OH NO!, mcm2 pk dlm otal, mampu ke nak pegi dan balik ke umah dgn selamat kalu aku pegi jusco ni???

When thinking that no body was at MMU, ramai yg balik kg dan ade hal masing2 then aku rase better not to go anywhere, then just heading trus ke umah je laaaa....prevention better rite??

And now, thinking of my life would be miserable....how nak balik kampung sorang2 (3 jam driving)??? Nak pegi beli brg2 dapur??? Please bring me out of this problem....I cant rely on others to do at least buy my tooth brush.....

Rase nak nangis tp x kuar plak airmata....trying to perah2 biji mata kot la lehhh kuar....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

First Visit to Columbia Asia Hospital Puchong

This Friday, had an appointment with Orthopedic Surgoen (Dr. Kamal) at Columbia Asia Hospital. Why? Kecederaan lutu lebih sebulan lepas had been referred by Dr Marisa to see the specialist. Maybe my ligament tear sbb xleh nak bersila dgn sempurna, duduk lame2 dan ape saje aktiviti yg melibatkan kebengkokkan lutut.

Perasaan skang ni rase risau lerr jugak, harap2nye xde la serius smpi xleh dah nak bersukan, maklum laaaa selera mkn kan mmg xleh nak control, pastu kalu xleh nak bersukan lg alamatnyeeee....... Isshhhh mintak juahkan lerrr, x mampu dah nak jad gemuk lg....

Semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya. Aminnnn...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sejarah 13.12.10

Tak pernah bermimpi kejadian hari semalam...dan x pernah menyangka.....

Ape yang org ckp slame ni mmg btul, walaupun buah hatiku tak dengar yang aku nak bg die kat org lain, tp sbb niat aku dah ke situ die dah merajuk dan buat hal. Dan btul2 wat aku mcm trauma nak drive jauh2 sorang diri pasni. 

Sib baik ada sang hero yan sanggup tolong dgn muke dan perasaan yang tenang jerk. Thanks a lot!!!

And now penyakit gastrik bermusim mcm nak dtg jerk, bile pas mkn jerk sakit perut smpikan nak tdo pun susah. Ape lerrr ubat nak bagi ilang trus gastrik ni ek, nak minum susu punye laaa liat, so any alternative???

Sudah jatuh bertimpa2 plak, dgn financial crisis, hope dpt setel early 2011.

I'm so blessed living around many people that really love and care for me....am I worth it?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mimpi oh mimpi

Mimpi mlm tadi mcm real jerk, buah hatiku diambil org..ntah sape la yg curik pastu leh plak letak kete buruk konon nak ganti dgn buah ati aku tu.....kalu elok xpe gak lerr, tayar pun ntah ke mana, menggagau cari merata tempat. Siap leh nangis lagi, aduhaiii lawaknye.....xtau laaa camne idup aku kalu buah ati aku tu ilang or kena curik.

Dan bile sedar jerk, terpikir bila org yang kita sayang last2 nnt akan ilang gak. Tak selamanya akan ade dgn kite, walau camne pun kite sayang, dah mmg semua makhluk kat dunia ni Allah punye. So die leh amik bile2 mase je kan.....

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Just about You!

Thanks a lot for being so nice and helpful. Even though we knew each other just for a few months, but the appreciation and trustworthy that you had given to me was such a beautiful feeling. 

I realized what ever you done to me all this while, cannot be compare as what I'd treated you as you should get.

But I hope that you can understand my limitations. Your friendship was unconditional, no offense and hoping it have sincerity too. I cant pay back what ever you have done to me since we get close. Your always done the best for me, no body will act like what u had.

Hoping that you life will full by the happiness. Thanks for the care and attention. thanks for everything. Forgive me for anything that I done that might heart you.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thank you dear...

To whom it may be concern,

Thanks for being here for me....menahan kerenah yg kdg2 diri sendiri pun xleh tahan. Always trying to make me to be neutral as fast as I can.

Menjadi tempat lepas geram, dan mcm2 tekanan yang kadang2 dah lame ditahan, dan smpi masa you will be the victim.

And I dont know how it can be long, pasni xtau nak ngadu kat sape dah, nobody will listen and understand what I'm facing now. Even I;m not sharing all my thoughts and feeling to you. 

I need reservation for me so dat, if nobody like you being here, I still can stand and get enuf strength to handle my stress.

There's so many thing spinning around my head. My short term memory loss also had effect me. Maybe I need new lifestyle??New job???To CEO's please hire this suck and lazy worker.

At this moment, I am really stressful and want to be alone and thinking of nothing. Sampai bile diri sendiri dpt bertahan? Hoping that I have enuf strength or????