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Friday, January 2, 2009

Hancur Hatiku.....

Kenapa tajuk aku camtu???....

At 2.39 a.m
- woke up to the toilet and saw this.......
- you all know what happen????my fridge wire was eatan by hamster....aaarrrgghhhhh
- fyi, I thought 'animal' like 'him' wouldnt eat wire....
- the worst part was not only the insulator wire (penebat wayar) had been eaten but the wire inside it already broken. (Kalau laaaa aku tak sedar lagi lame, aku rase peti ais aku leh terbakar kot), I have to replace the new one huhuhu...
- the problem is 'him' is not mine...how am I gonna tell the owner with the best sentence and way not to make anyone hurt or feel uncomfortable....(please help me!!!)

About 4.30 a.m
- baru laaaaa aku dpt tdo dengan tenang, tp sekali lg dikejutkan dengan mimpi pasal 'binatang' itu....

At 8.30 a.m
- because of this, I dont have any mood to work but have to force to do the work.......so many worksssss to do......


- baru bulan lepas abis bayar 'installment' pada mak, tak sampai setahun lagi aku beli.....huhuhu


  1. haih..sian giler ko.
    hmm..kalo da smpai mcm ni aku rs better ko bgtau the owner tuh directly la. try talk to her slowly. ish ssh gak nk ckp tuh kn.
    sure ko tgh tensen + serabut.
    saba weh saba..uhuh

    btw welcome to the blogger and happy new year

  2. huhuhu...tq, mcm la ko xtau aku ni camne kan...
    byk beno jaga ati org smpi ati aku koyak rabak....huhuhu

  3. Makan je hamster tuer, wat sop ke, Takpun derma ka tpet shop.

  4. Selamat berBlogger ed...
    Selamat Tahun Baru n Awal Muharram :)

  5. nie smua sbb kes tuan xbgi mkn laa nie.. so hamster tue baham jer yg ptut heeh..

    so takziah ek pade owner peti ais tue!!..
