Daisypath Friendship tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 29, 2013

Maybeee........ Diether

Maybe it's wrong to say please love me too
coz i know u never do
somebody else is waitin' there inside for you....
maybe its wrong to love you more each day
coz i know its here to stay....
but i know to whom you should belong....

I believe what u said to me
we should set each other free
that's how u want it to be....

Ada tak yang boleh agak ni lagu ape?? Kalau tak silap kenal lagu ni mase zaman Uni dulu...

Dah lebih 5thn kot...and know setelah ade astro bella, tertengok la semula drama Sanay Wala Nang Wakas dan terjatuh cinta la semula dengan Leo a.k.a Diether Ocampo

Tapi sedikit kecewa bila perkahwinan die dgn Christine Hermosa xbertahan lama...oppss i forgot he's Filipino, mau laaa ade yg mengamuk rentetan dari kes di Lahad Datu aritu...xpe laaa bukan jadi laki aku pun kan..suke tgk muke die yg sedap mata memandang ni...hihihi

p/s : Syukur atas segala limpah kurnia yang telah diberikan. Cube menjadi yang terbaik untuk bekalan di akhirat nanti.

King - Maybe
source : youtube

Monday, April 22, 2013

Muhasabah Cinta

Perempuan yang KUAT itu
apabila hatinya hancur berderai tanpa mampu dicantumkan semula
dia BERUSAHA untuk BANGUN kembali
berdiri TEGUH menjalani kehidupan yang penuh RANJAU 
dengan SENYUMAN yang indah
bukan untuk menunjukkan yang dirinya kuat 
tetapi untuk memujuk hatinya yang lara 
bahawa KEYAKINANnya terhadap KEPERCAYAAN 
dan TAKDIR yang dihadapinya semuanya 
adalah dalam genggaman yang 
Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Penyayang

Tuhan tolonglah aku hapuskan rasa cintaku 
aku inginkan bahagia dgn cinta yang abadi kepadaMu

source : youtube
p/s; need a shoulder to cry...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tanda-tanda Penuaan???

Ok, sesuai dgn tajuk post kali ini, tuan tanah nak cite skit pasal Supplement.

Dari kecik darjah 1 sampai laaa dah beso dan makin berusia ni, dah merasa mkn macam2 supplement, antaranya Examo, B-Complex, Vit-C, maklum laa mase kecik mak ayah sponsor bile dah makin beso makin kurang.

Around 2010, ade skit eksiden happen kat lutut dan mcm2 cara dah buat termasuk laaa jmp pakar wat physio walaupun xlame.... (i'd got the best accompany). Makin lama makin ok laaaa sbb ikhtiar macam2 cume belum terfikir nak consume again supplement & vitamin.

But lately sakit tu dah makin kerap plak, maybe tambah dgn stress keje yg caca merba skang ni...and bile xdpt nak elak jem area KL ni. So one of my friend tell me about this kind of supplement, sbb nenek die pun ade masalah same then doktor give the prescription. Haaaaa nenek punye penyakit tuuuu....

Introducing uols, my new boyfriend....tahan untuk sebulan dan besar pilnye dalam 1 inci, gigil gak lerr kalu2 tersangkut kat tekak, tp so far so good... and the pharmacist said boleh tau berkesan atau tak kena tgk dlm 2 weeks. So kalau tak berkesan kite tuka brand lain plak laaaa.
Actually kena makan this one, Joint Formula...sebabnye ade 2 functions, tapi sebabkan manufacturer sgt pandai, 1 botol ni utk 2 weeks je, pastu jual combo pack jer, nak tak nak amik je laaa botol atas tu.
Yang botol ni, tgk la kalau ade baki2 bonus nnt.

OK, disebabkan aku sentiasa je gagal nak derma darah (kalau diorng bw mesin ujian zat besi), tuan tanah akan memikirkan plak untuk consume this supplement...hohoho tapi harga lum survey lagi. Yang ni nak tambah zat besi, sbbnyeee darah aku sangatlahh tidak berkhasiat nak bagi kat org lain rupenyeee..
Sekian, penerangan berkaitan tanda2 penuaanku....kalau ade yang bermurah hati nak menderma ubat2 ini atau tokei Blackmores ni terbace post aku, bole laa hantarkan bekalan selama 5 thn ke alamat di bawah :- 
Kabin buruk no. 1, Unit Kuli
Jalan Atas tanah
Negeri Bawah langit kuikuikui.....just kidding

p/s: Syukur laaahh atas rezeki yang telah tertulis, memang terbukti ade hikmah disebaliknya, cume sebagai hamba kita perlu redha dgn setiap ape yang telah ditentukan...

sources : google image

Monday, April 15, 2013

How Can I Learn to Trust Men Again?

Entry kali ni maybe boleh jadik panas kepada sesetengah org, kalau rase terlebih sensitif atau terlebih emosi, silakan 'menghalau' diri sendiri untuk bace posting ni yerrkkk... Kerjasama dan perhatian anda amatlah tuan tanah hargai.
Once a man has scorned you, you may find that it is hard to trust anyone again especially another man. This can be live changing experience and you may need help trying to figure out what you can do to get over this relationship and what has happened to you. There are so many reasons why a woman can loose trust in her partner and it may be hard to get those feelings of trust back. In fact, for some women and relationships, the trust is lost forever. 

Haaaa lelaki kat luar sane, kalau nak lukakan hati seorang perempuan, ready laa untuk dikurangkan kepercayaan kepada kamu yerkk...hihihi

Mari kite tgk sbb ape jadi macam tu?

Why do men lie?
1. There are some men that do nothing but lie all the time and then there are men that never tell an untruth about anything. It will depend the personality of the man and how they grew up.

2. Sometimes how a person was raised can be the determining factor about how a man acts when he is an adult. If they are raised around men that lie all the time and are not very respectful to women, they may grow up to be the same way. This is not something that is necessarily going to happen, but it can be a cause.

3. There are many men that lie because they are ashamed of whom they are. They may not tell a woman the truth because they are not excited about anything in their life. They may feel ashamed of who they are and what they do for living or even where they come from. Sometimes a man will lie to make they look better in the eyes of a woman. Little do they know that this will only make a women less attracted to them because of the lies they tell?

4. Another reason why men lie is to cheat. There are so many relationships ruined because a man has cheated. Once a man cheats on a woman, the woman will have a hard time ever really trusting the man again. They may find it difficult to maintain a good relationship with anyone ever again. This can be a devastating blow to any woman that has low self-esteem already.

How to tell when a man is lying
1. Some women can tell just by the way the man is acting. Some men cannot look them in the eye, get nervous and act suspicious, and may even stutter or fumble their words. However there are some men that can lay so well that no one will ever be able to tell.

2. It is important for women to try and recognize the signs of a man lying to her so that they can tell when they are being fooled or not. This is something that will take a little bit of knowledge and a lot of patience. If a woman is being lied to, they should not stand for it. They need to take control of their own life and remove themselves from this type of unnatural relationship.

What can I do to rebuild the bond and trust?

Many women will not give up on the man that she loves. She may find that this is the person that they want to spend the rest of their life with. When this happens, they will try and do anything they can to make the relationship a success again.

For some of these relationships it is possible to do. However there are some that will never be repaired. Sometimes a woman can just tell when there is no hope for their relationship and they will have to learn to accept the fact that their man is a liar and there is no hope.

However for some, there is hope and this is a long and difficult process.

There may be time when a woman just wants to give up and leave the situation, but then she realizes that she wants to try a build the bond again. When this is the case, there needs to be a lot of communication. For some couples, counseling is necessary to get the relationship back on track.

It is important to talk the situation out and lay down ground rules.

This is a very important step that has to be taken so that the couple can figure out where they stand in the relationship. Laying down ground rules is important to. This is where the woman needs to feel like she is in control and that she has all the cards in her hand. If a man is serious about being with you, they will do whatever is necessary to gain your trust again.

Should you trust someone with a history of infidelity?
If you are thinking about having, a relationship with someone that has be unfaithful before, you may have a tough road ahead of you. This will be something that will take a little bit of time and work. You will want to be a little leery in the beginning. You do not want to go too fast in case the man tries to repeat history. You can trust someone until they give you reason not too, however you need to be cautious so that you are not putting yourself in a vulnerable position.

Can you change a man? Is it possible for them to not lie again?

For some men, you can change the way they behave. You can do your very best to make them see what a good thing they have with you and that any little mess up can take it all away. You will want to make them understand that you are in control and that you are making the rules. They will have to follow them and change their lying and cheating ways or the relationship will have no merit.

Men can change and there is no reason to give up on them right away. If you think the relationship is worth saving, you can take the appropriate steps to make sure that you are both happy without the risk of ever having to deal with this problem again.

p/s : Lelaki yang baik utk perempuan yang baik, so kalau asik jumpe yg x berapa baik tu means diri sendiri lum baik lagi laaa kan...insya allah akan cuba istiqomah dan perbaiki diri untuk menanti seseorang yang terbaik untuk diri ini.

source ; google, articlebase

Friday, April 5, 2013

Strictly Soulmates

Dedicated to all my friends yang single & available like meeee....hihihi

Beberapa kisah pencarian of soul mates.  Ape2 pun  masing2 ade pendapat sendiri. Enjoy this video...

Kejap lagi I'm going to hadap jem ke PJ for today, I think I'm starting to hate Iskandar Educity project huhuhu

source : youtube

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Beeee Zeeeee like a Beeeee

Oh nooo... Hidup tak berapaa nak terurus sangat. Banyak gilerrr kerja2 yang nak kena hadap.

Ade dua bijik buku saiz 2 inci tebal utk ditaip semula. Sebabnyeee xde soft copy...projek yg dah berbelas2 tahun dulu. Kalau ade org save pun dlm floppy A, ape name keping2 tu ekkk...lupe la pulak name die..

Paling kurang sebulan 2-3 kali kena meeting kat Melaka, dan of coz laaaa akan smpi Cyber malam. Bangunan kat Iskandar Campus belum siap, kalau tidak mau laaa kena pi sane jugak...

Latihan ping pong plak macam xde harapa cerah je nak sambung, menurut kata student, diorg xmo bayar sbb mahal. Adui laaaa, ye laaa org dah teror kot ekkk...leh la demand, so mane coach nak carik plak ni??Mcm kena main bawah kolong je laaa dulu.

Walaupun bz tapi sempat la men'draft' beberapa post, nak kena tgk balik, maybe ade yg xpatut disiarkan di khalayak umum dan akan tersimpan as personal diari la yerkk...

source image : google