Daisypath Friendship tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

For the rest of my life...I'll be loving you

First heard of this voice at Taman Warisan, spending time with my family, its so relaxing, cooling and tempting my heart.....ask my bro who's the singer and its Maher Zain, balik umah trus cari kat youtube then dengar most of all his songs....

Tapi yang paling best lagu ni, For The Rest of My Life, hope will be like in this song one day, Insya Allah.

You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever II`ll be there for you

Monday, July 26, 2010

Its like brand new!!

Akhirnya telah berjaya membawa buah hati pergi ke spa di Serdang...and its look like brand new, just the same as I meet him 2 weeks ago. Hope he will be happy of what I'd done for him today walaupun duitku melayang2.....hanya kerana dikau...harapan agar dikau terus setia menemani di saat suka dan duka.

Thanks a lot pada setiap individu yang membantu secara langsung dan tidak langsung dlm memberikan khidmat nasihat dan pertolongan dalam menjayakan misi ke spa kali pertama ini. Always have to be remembered not to take you for granted as each of my cents given to you as my investment....

Dah lame tak membebel, so bile dah dpt chance ni ntah ape2 laaa yg dibebelkan ek....

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Spa for him

Cube tgk ticker yang paling bawah tu...wa are in loveabout 2 weeks and within this 2 weeks I'd never give him a shower, poor him...tp hujan dah tolong basuhkan sbb tu laaa aweknye ni malas nak tlg basuhkan bdn die.

And almost 2 weeks, its time to sent him to the spa. It is so important to choose the best spa so dat my luvly boipren tak kan dibuli atau dgn wajib dilayan dgn baik sekali. Nak pi Glenmarie mcm jauh sgt je....nak pi dengkil macam was2 jerk....so how???Dont worry dear, i'll find the best for both of us, sbb i yg nak kena drive so need the best spa yang senangkan driver pengecut ni hahaha....

This coming week, akan ade rehearsal for convo almost everyday. And this week jugak harus pegi menghantar die ke spa. Kalau tak nnt cpat laaa tua dan akan senang dihinggapi penyakit. So esok hari harapnya dpt laaaa curik mase pegi anta ke spa.....sabar ye sygku....

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sent your love to everyone

A word's, just a word, 'til you mean what you say
And love, isn't love, 'til you give it away
We've all gotta give, something to give

To make a change
Send it on, on and on
Just one hand can heal another
Be a part, reach your heart
Just one spark starts a fire

With one little action the chain reaction
Will never stop, make it strong
Shine a light and send it on

Just Smile and the world
Will smile along with you..

That small act of love
Thats meant for one
Will become two

If we take the chances..
That change circumstances
Imagine all we can do

There's power in all of the choices we make
So I'm starting now there's not a moment to wait

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kerana Mulut

The incident that nearly make my heart melting....disebabkan oleh mulutku yg gatal sgt asik duk provok smpikan provokan ku menjadi.

Pastu mule laaa kelam kabut nak btulkan keadaan. Yes, i know and always remember jgn suke2 janji ape2 dgn budak2 sbb diorng akan igt dan akan tuntut janji tu, tp disebabkan keadaan yang sgt2 terdesak terpakse laaaa berjanji jugak walaupun agak sukar untuk dikotakan. Tapi kena jaga hati at that time kan....adehhh mulut ni gatal sgt...dah lepas 1 masalah maybe akan bawa byk lagi kemudaratan.

Hopefully dat boy will forget my promise when he woke up next morning....really sorry dear.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rambut oh rambutan

Malam ni jd tak keruan bile dpt rambutan percuma yang sebegitu byk ade dlm 2-3 kilo kot....mau je dihabiskan dlm mase sehari tp kata-kata amaran dari seseorang membuatkan aku terhenti pada ulas rambutan yang ke-20.....seriyes laa cannot stop from eating that nyummy rambutan......i dont blame u for dat. Leh ke bertahan selama 3 ari??we wait and see ek....

Anyway, xde la perabih sorang2 jerk, ade gak pelawa osmet2. Bile duk taip2 psl rambutan rase mcm nak sambung mkn lg tapiiii......isshhh xpe2 simpan skit2, bile abis nnt akan ku cari rambutan gula batu, akan berenti di setiap gerai rambutan, sbb skang ni dpt rambutan budak sekolah, aku mane laaa skolah dah, instead I kan manis mcm gula batu....

Ape aku merepek ni ek.....sudah lerrr tu, mabuk rambutan rasenye.

Thanks a lot, luv the rambutan not u hehehe :p


Sedih sbb tahun ni xpegi Floria Putrajaya huhuhu.....layan je laaaa gambo2 yang ade kat blog2 org lain.....

Friday, July 16, 2010

Every moment....

And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything seems like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know your alive 
p/s : must enjoying every moment left to make sure that nothing will missing

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Somebody had stolen something from me...and its new thing for me just about 2-3days ago. Screaming loud but no one came to help...oh luckily its just a dream. 

But how if its a reality, oh no, cannot live without it. Please don't go away from me, I need you badly, my sweetheart. If any men would leave me but not you dear.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Sampai bile harus berpura-pura gembira jika kita tahu sesuatu yang telah menjadi sebahagian drp hidup akan berakhir dan pergi tak lama lagi???Dan perlu membiasakan diri dengan kehidupan yang belum diketahui takdirnya.

Walaupun sukar untuk dibuang, tapi bila tertulis untukku adalah yang terbaik untukmu, kan ku jadikan kenangan yang terindah dalam hidupku.

Meski aku takkan pernah bisa lagi melihatmu, cinta ini takkan hilang sampai mati kan ku simpan.

"Mencintai seseorang bukanlah apa-apa, Dicintai seseorang adalah sesuatu
Dicintai seseorang yang kau cintai sangatlah berarti, Dicintai sang Pencipta adalah segalanya…"

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Suka Duka KLIA

Setelah tragedi Dec 2005, akhirnye semalam berjaya menjejakkan semula kaki ke tempat yang byk bagi kenangan manis dan pahit. Ditemani oleh Mek Ana, Mek Jue and Mek Mo (++Mr Korie).....setia menunggu walaupun terpakse tidur di atas kerusi menunggu....

Kedatangan ke KLIA semalam mmg tidak dirancang....dan melihat kembali tempat yang pernah dihuni selama beberapa jam oleh kami berempat membuatkan hati terdetik dan terimbau kenangan dulu. Manis untuk dikenang dan pahit untuk diingat.

Melihat kepada balai pelepasan lagi laaaaa buat hati bertambah sayu.....otak seperti dpt flashback setiap perkara yang berlaku hampir 5thn lepas. Walaupun design dan layout di situ tak 100% sama tp jejaknye mcm baru semalam.

Tapi ape yang dah berlaku sukar utk dipulang kembali. Cuma menanti hari2 yang mendatang untuk lebih gembira dan bahagia walaupun mungkin akhirnya nnt akan keseorangan juga.........

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hatiku berbunga-bunga

Pagi2 bute telah dapat panggilan telefon drp ayah kesygan ku, mengatakan buah hatiku akan dtg ahad ni....rase dug dag dug dag macam org nak dtg meminang....kalau btul pun ape salahnye kan???

Dia lah buah hati pengarang jantung, pasni kalu sedih ke lonely ke leh la ajak die pi jalan2 kan to be with me when I'm need someone to hug and kiss hehehe....harapnye die suke laaa dgn aku.

Cant wait to see u my dear!!!....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pesta Flora 2010

Its coming again....it had been a year after my last visit in 2009. Sedar tak sedar dah setahun pun...adakah aku berpeluang pergi lagi???Last year pergi dgn orang lain, this year can it be the same person or org lain plak???

Putrajaya Flower & Garden Festival 2010

Welcome to FLORIA Putrajaya - Malaysia’s premier outdoor garden and flower showcase. Open from 10-18 July 2010, FLORIA will once again be held at the Waterfront, Precinct 2, Putrajaya.

After successful shows in 2007 and 2009, FLORIA returns in 2010 and is set to be even more spectacular and colourful. The festival showcases the best of the Malaysian and international landscape and horticulture industry; from commercial landscape products to garden design showcase and flower displays. Exhibitors from Malaysia and foreign countries will create exceptional displays and presentations in a park-setting environment.

Themed “Tropical Splendour”, FLORIA 2010 will showcase the biggest collection of Heliconias in full bloom in an outdoor theme garden display.

Come and be part of the excitement!

Klik kat link ni utk maklumat lanjut Pesta Flora 2010