Daisypath Friendship tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

LAN party - Mission to break World Record @ MMU Cyberjaya

Believe it or not??Our prestige MMU grand hall (assume je la prestige tu ek hehehe) had been chosen for the place that will create 1st historical event that will break the world record. And I'm so proud to contribute indirectly for the venue preparation. Our big part here is to make sure all the mechanical & electrical part functioning well for about 36 hours non-stop. Biasanya pukul 12am chiller akan charging assume mcm bateri handphone la kan, kalau dah gune smpi power low, kena la cas bateri tu smpi full so baru leh continue guna hp andaaaaa......

All the Information was taken from this website (please click for more details)

Malaysia’s bid to smash the Guinness world record of the longest LAN party with over 250 hardcore gamers taking part. Current Guinness book record was set in 2008 at the Nvision event in the US. The record had 203 gamers playing for 36 hours over a LAN.
Interested to join this record breaking eventt?
10th -12th April 2009
Multimedia University Grand Hall Cyberjaya
HURRY Register NOW! limited space available
Malaysia’s largest invitational tournament spanning several mainstream titles. compete with other teams form korea,singapore in the most exciting game titles from SUDDEN ATTACK, CALL OF DUTY 4 : MODERN WARFARE, DEFENCE OF THE ANCIENTS (DOTA) to FIFA 09.
Don't miss this chance! there are cash prizes to be won ACT NOW!
GDC gamefest is brought by the MMU Games Development club"

Monday, March 23, 2009

Combo Meal


Dah masuk 1 week xdpt nak edit blog...tersangat-sangat laaa busy......

Anyway this entry will tell you most of the activities that were happen for the entire week.......

1. Goodbye, bye bye its hard to die on 18/03/2009

Laptop FTec kesayangan ku yang sgt comel, cute dan cantik macam tuan die jugak (jgn muntah lak) telah selamat aku jualkan kepada Mr Zam Zam Allakazammm dgn harga RM500, ok wat still tip top lgpun xduduk jauh2 kalau rindu still leh pinjam or bw dtg opis hehehe.....

2. I can fly now!!! on 20/03/2009

Yeahhhhh...setelah sekian lamanyaaaa aku menanti (25tahun) akhirnyaaaa.......my 1st passport DONE!!Buat kat Hentian Kajang (sape laaaa pandai2 ckp ade kat Metro Kajang) tp punya laaaaa seksa nak tunggu dpt tu, aku beratur kul 9pg, dpt nom giliran dlm kul 10pg then pukul 3.20ptg baru nom dipanggil untuk process pendaftaran dan pembayaran....dan pada pukul 5.15ptg baru laaaa aku dpt pegang passport ku......huhuhu. Boleh bayangkan kena tunggu dlm 8 jam!!!!! Macam-macam hal terjadi tp biar la aku simpan sendiri je sbbnye cukup laaaa dosa2 kecil (mengutuk) aku dah wat kat sane tu haaaaaa. Mmg la siap 2 jam je tp nyeeeeee nak tunggu nombor kena panggil tu maut nak menunggu...Maybe time aku silap kot, time org tgh ramaiPasni mmg kena selalu pegi cuti over the sea supaya penantian aku membuat passport berbaloi dan berbalas.....You wanna know where's the place I want to use it officially first time ever???!!!Nanti laaaa ek kite cite hehehe....(Kesian kan??baru 1st time nak rase naik flight huhuhu...)

3. Found my new sweetheart on 21/03/2009

Taaddaaaaaa.......Introducing you my new lappy...This year I'm gonna rewarding myself a new laptop because of the hardwork that I'd done (mcm angkat bakul sendiri la kan hehehe).....Compaq Presario CQ40....beli kat Low Yat lerr kan....so far this is the best that I can found and recommended by many of the current users and tokei-tokei kedai. Actually, nafsu tu nak beli apple tp urrmmm...tunggu tahun lain laaaa kot la bonus byk skit ke kan..or tibe2 turun dari langit ke heheh...

Petangnyee, my family dtg dari kampung....then pegi tgk Hot Air Balloon kat Putrajaya dengan my cousin & anak2 nya, niat di hati nak kasi diorng tgk tp smpi je tmpt yang dituju dua2 skali dah terbongkang tdo huhuhu so aku dan maknye laaaa yg excited tgk hehehe.....

4. Part time businesswoman on 22/03/2009

Today is the MMU Open Day....and I'd buy 1 of the stall lot that requires me to sell the food.....
Macam-macam kami jual....so far sambutan not bad lagipun open day xramai org dtg....kalau dpt pulang modal pun ok, nak cari pengalaman pasni leh buat utk event besar2 lg...nak test market...then survey for the next bisnes plan. Untung rugi I lum kire, xsempat, penat gilerr umah pun bersepah lg tu huhuhu. Sampai import mak dari kampung untuk tolong jualkan heheh...Its ok, 1time kan nak berjinak2, pasni leh serius daftar company sendiri yuhuuuuu...

*p/s:gambar lupe nak snap sbb terlalu bizi berniaga + standby......i'm sory

5. My 25th Birthday on 23/03/2009

Dah tua lagi setahun....times to grow up with mature mind and behave..... Anyway, thanks for all the wishes terharu sangat ade gak yang igt besday aku walaupun aku susah nak igt besday org lain even tahun ni mmg paling worst sgt aku dah lupe wishes my parents their besday, seumenyeee jadi belated huhuhu aku terlalu byk pk hal keje sampai x sedar tarikh2 penting dalam hidup aku (Please forgive me!!)...actually bgn pagi baru aku sedar all the smses sbb mlm tu penat sgt kemas umah dan kemas barang-barang bisnes aku tu...so pas je siap sume aku trus tdo dgn lenanya smpi x igt pun esoknya tu besday aku....(fuuhhh selamat drp malu hehehe)

Anyway, another big thanks to Kak Yus & Family sebab celebrate besday aku kat Village View Bangi, siap ade kek lagi sib baik laaaa xde nyanyi2 hahaha...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tension Mondayssss.....

Straight to the point :-

1. Grand Hall - Masya Allah, aku mmg angin kalau ISS club buat event, sampah x penah nak buang, aset2 MMU habis terabur, toilet jgn ckp la kan dgn tisu bersepah, puntung rokok mmg jahanam laaaa, pinjam barang x penah nak simpan semula (dlm kata kurang bahasa setiap kali students international 'berak' kami kena basuh dan kutip 'taik2' diorng yang sememangnya busuk).......minta jumpa di GH tp aku dok tunggu 1/2jam pun x smpi2...smpi laaaa ptg ni pun xde nmpk btg idung.....last2 cleaners gak kena bersihkan dan fmd gak kena buat clearance.

2. Kena submit info utk Ops Website.....bagi emel ari Jumaat suh anto b4 kul 10 ari senin......

3. Kena kacau lagi dgn lelaki 'gila seks' kat opis....ntah bile nak insaf

4. Lunch time - aku pegi buat gambar pasport kat street mall, pastu makcik guard tu sound aku dgn nada yg mmg kurang ajar "Tak boleh parking kat situ" - aku menggangguk sambil kuar telefon nak call 'driver' tu suruh lepak tmpt lain.. Makcik tu mencelah lg "Angguk-angguk je wat pe, nak kena ........(yg ni aku x dgr ape die ckp)". Aku mmg phm signboard xleh parking tp aku bkn parking kot, ade driver dlm tu and thats mean "waiting" makcik ooiiii bkn parking......yang pegi sound aku tu wat pe bknnye aku yg drive, aku nak gi beli makanan pun jd terbantut bengongggg btul....

5. Dpt urgent request dr ... dept, minta set up refeshment area, bg emel arini event pagi2 bute pastu nak suruh cepat.....kalau dah tau lmbt request kena laaa tunggu turn, event lain pun byk nak kena set up lg.....

6. Dlm masa 1 min aku dpt 4 call dr org yang berlainan.....letak je gagang, tepon bunyi...x sempat nak tarik nafas pun....

7. Kena siapkan balance score card....yg aku x paham, xnak phm, x dpt phm......rasa nak resign je tp keje lain lum dpt pun huhuhu......

PLEASSEEEE I need new job........

Thursday, March 12, 2009

DOUBLE Syukran, Alhamdulillah


Wat that means by DOUBLE Syukran, Alhamudulillah....huurrrmm....

1. My assessment for previous year are Level 3 so I get about 1.5 month (ex-gratia) of bonus this month.... HOWEVER......duit itu akan ku laburkan untuk membeli laptop baru dan laptop lame ni akan ku jual kepada mereka yang memerlukan dengan harga yang berpatutan.....hehehehe

2. My youngest brother had get his SPM result....and get 5A, 1B, 3C the best result in the family....hope he will get scholarships or some sort of financial assist from anyone to further his study....b4 he get the SPM result, we already get sponsorship from Saito College for the diploma programme, tapi aku rase xyah la kot sbb nye selepas aku selidik2 mmg ade approve LAN but not listed in JPA...risau susah nak dpt keje then, we just pray for another miracle to happen really hope so.

p/s: Tomorrow I cuti.....cuti2 di rumah aje.....opis pun pegi jugak huhuhu

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tagged by Ana

Cisssss berani kau tagged aku ek??Ko dah xde keje lain ke haaaaa..... Tapi xpe since I have to update my blog frequently so aku bersedia laaaa sahut 'tagged' ko....

First Tagged

1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?

* My luvly parent

2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her?
* Caring
* Sporting
* Loving
* Supportive
* Hardworking

3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you?
* So many things through out 25 years....

4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
* Same as above.......

5. If he/she become your lover, you will..
* Take care of their whole life......

6. If he/she become your enemy, you will..
* NEVER....

7. If he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on...
* They aleready improve it!!!

8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
* No reason....

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
* Life happily ever after...

10. The overall impression of him/her is...
* The most best person that I have in the world.....

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
* I'm not sure, tp rasenye ramai mcm x suke je hehehe.....

12. The character of you for yourself is?
* Complicated....

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
* Same as Ana, lack of confident and fattttt!!!

14. The most person that you wanna be is?
* Kaya macam Donald Trump...hehehe

15. For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them
* Dont stop to care and like me!!!!

16. 5 people to tag:
* Kak Yus
* Aida Comei
* Cik Kembang
* Isma
* Anyone that have blog.....
Second Tagged

1. Do you have secrets?
* Mesti laaaaa ade.....

2. Would you fall in love with a guy/gurl younger than you?
* Kalau dah takdir aku trime aje laaaaa....

3. Do you enjoy going to college?
* Yup, tp kalau boleh nak recall smule sbb byk mende yg aku miss out.....

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
* Jadikan miskin sifar satu dunia......

5. Will you fall in love with your friend?
* Rasenye penah kot....

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
* Sampai laaa ni aku still confused....

7. List 5 current favourite songs:(for now)
* Fall for You (Secondhand Serenade) ----- suara mengancam
* Crush (David Archuleta)
* Like Only A Woman Can (Brian McFadden)
* Burnin Up(Jonas Brothers)
* Biar Mati Cinta (Maximus)

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
* Hope his partner will take good care of him....

9. List 5 favorite TV shows
* CSI : Miami
* American's Next Top Model
* Project Runway
* The Naked Chef
* The Oprah Winfrey Show

10. Do you have any regrets?
* Yesssss....

11. Would you be the person that you are if you were to be reborn?
* Dah tentu laaaa kalau ade pelunag kedua kita akan buat yg terbaik kan....

12. What do you want the most at the moment?
* Moneyyyy.....car and house......

13. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
* Single & rich laaaa, kalau dah kawin tp poor camne nak bagi anak2 mkn dgn sempurna....

14. What is your favourite color?
* Yellowwwww

15. Would you give all in for a relationship?
* Had once and its so hurt until now.......NEVER give it alll

16. If you fall in love with two persons simultaneously, which one would you choose?
* Dah tentu laaaa buat solat istikharah...

17. What are the top 5 bands that you listen to or love?
* WESTLIFE ----- luving it so much have most of the album (cassette)
* NSync
* Slam
* Estranged
* Letto

18. Name 3 things you would like to do but never able to
* Nak jadi Pakar Pemakanan (satu klas gelakkan aku wat muke pelik)
* Teringin nak bela anak harimau (tapi sume org tentang aku habis2an)
* Cube nak terbangkan Airbus laaaa....

Haaaaaaa....dah selesai tugas aku.....apo lagi yang lain2 tu rajin2kan laaaaa tangan menjawab soalan2 ni......

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Kereta oohhhh Kereta

First of all, Minta ampun maaf kalau entry kali ini aku gune English yg tak ikut law...hehehe

What I was craving for.....

Actually now I am deciding what car to buy....doesnt mean that I already rich or get 'durian runtuh' but I have to think it now because my 'heritage car' must go to my brother that will enter job world now...so kena pndi2 la aku sedar diri, cari kete sendiri plak...Kereta yang bermain2 difikiran dan nafsu ku....adalah Kia Spectra, Bestari 206, Suzuki Swift orrrr Honda Jazz

Kia Spectra RM58k +++ promo

Naza Bestari 206 RM66k

Suzuki Swift RM80k +++

Honda Jazz

My 1st target is Toyota Vios (my dream car ever/sebenonye suke kereta 2 pintu tp awal2 lg parents aku xbg beli kete camtu (neo, gti, satria, BMW for two) huhuhu).... Cumenye Vios ni byk sgt jenis, E, G, S, J ape beza sume tu aku still tgh kaji... harga pun boleh tahan jugak RM80k installment payment at least dlm rm900-1000 maaaannggaaaaaiiiii mane nak cover duit tu ek.... utang lain tu campur lg tu, mkn megi pun lum tentu lepas tu.

I luvvv this color....

If cant afford it, aku nak beli Persona SE (belilah barangan buatan Malaysia). Macam-macam ado...GPS ade, Auto Cruise ade, Leather Trims, color plak ade 2 je Blue Haze & Briliant Red of coz la aku nak yg merah kan....hehehe. harganya plak dlm RM60k, bulan2 dlm rm800 urrmm camno lak tu.
Briliant Red --- so briliant

Actually, ape yg aku pikirkan utk beli kereta adalah fuel usage, engine, spare part (kalau rosak senang nak cari, xde la dok tersadai kat bengkel lame2), easy maintenance. So if ade yg di luar sane nak bg suggestion or idea what car should I buy, please do a comment. Mane tau kalau jadi kenyataan leh la korang naik kete tu kan hehehe....

Harapan aku agar tahun ni dpt laaaaa aku beli kereta..sian adik-adik aku pun nak gune kete gak. AMIINNNNN.....